Mission and Vision

Medical Alliance for Africa is bridging the Gap through health.

Medical Alliance For Africa is committed to being Africa's  premier medical equipment supplier
serving hospitals, clinics, and general practices in Africa. We will continue to provide the finest and
most reliable medical equipment available; both new and used.  

Founded by an African, with an immense experience in global business, Medical Alliance for Africa is
changing the way health care is perceived in Africa. With an overwhelming shortage of medical
equipment  and supplies in Africa, the need to save lives is becoming even more dire.
With overwhelming
statistical analysis , it is proven that many lives in Africa can be saved with accurate diagnosis, the right
treatment, and trained
personnel to administer the  treatment.

Medical Alliance for Africa's primary focus is to help local facilities bring their institutions up to
twenty-first century standards by providing them with medical equipment and supplies. Although some
foreign organizations maintain remote medical cafés in various
African countries the shortfalls are still
very staggering.  Like any other institution, Medical Alliance for
Africa holds the same beliefs that for any
institutions to be to be viable, that  institution has to be self-sustaining especially in the absence of  
foreign contributories.

That said, unless Africa Medical Institutions are equipped with modern systems and trained local
medical practitioners; the ability to diagnose and treat illnesses, and save lives will remain a distant
thought.  Guided by th
e vision of bridging the gap through  health in Africa, Medical Alliance for Africa
was born.

The ability to improve the health care systems in Africa remains the sole responsibility of Africa
and its institutions.
If you could save a life, would you?
Medical Alliance for Africa
While it is true that
organizations have
helped the medical
institutions in Africa,
the inadequacies come
into play when medical
facilities do not have
their modern
equipment to diagnose
cases, and trained
personnel to
administer the
prescribed treatment. It
is at this juncture that
Medical Alliance for
Africa steps in to fill
the voids.
Our customer is our business; therefore, we will always make sure we provide the best medical equipments and supplies obtainable.
Please allow us to make your expectation match your experience.
Copyright 2009, Medical Alliance For Africa. All Rights Reserved